XEN Systems

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XEN works with sales and marketing teams in B2B technology companies to deliver strategy, implement marketing technology and drive business growth through digital marketing and lead generation campaigns. 

XEN staff are all technology power users.
Curious about technology.
Interested in your business. 

We gravitate to technology companies who have compelling products to offer the market. 

We want to work with you, drive your marketing, grow together.
We're your digital partners.


Hubspot Certifications


Years of leads


Monthly leads generated


Years of digital marketing

Business Growth through Digital Marketing

What makes XEN different from other agencies?

Using our experience in the technology industry, here's what you'll get from XEN:

  • Peace of mind that your marketing is covered by an agency with experience.
  • A really quick response rate.
  • Fast turnaround time.
  • Regular and efficient communication.
  • Excellent organisation using our task management system.
  • Not just marketing: our Business Growth Model is always top of mind while we work with you.
xen growth model

Our Team (A random selection of 4 team members - refresh to see more)

Erika Diduro

Erika Diduro

Graphic Designer

Erika is a Graphic Designer at XEN who focuses on developing concepts, graphics, layout for digital marketing assets for various campaigns.

Craig Bailey

Craig Bailey

Technical Director

Craig works with companies to help them understand, implement and scale their digital marketing strategies. He’s also a Hubspot Consultant.

Tara Connolly

Tara Connolly

HubSpot Strategist

Tara is a content marketing specialist, managing content strategy, creation and HubSpot implementation.

Marie Munalem

Marie Munalem

HubSpot Specialist

Marie is a Digital Coordinator focused in assisting XEN's operations in developing various marketing materials, updating online assets, and handling digital marketing activities.

Our Awards

Hubspot Gold Certified Agency Partner


XEN has been a HubSpot Partner since 2012 and a Gold Partner since 2016. XEN is one of the most HubSpot exam certified agencies in Asia Pacific.

Databox Premiere Partner

Databox Premier Partner

XEN has attained the highest level of the Databox partner program, demonstrating expertise in all aspects of their reporting and dashboarding platform.

Google Partner

Google Partner

XEN has been a Google Partner since 2010, working with the full suite of Google tools including certification in Google Ads.

HubSpot Experts 

HubSpot Partner

Watch an overview of the XEN Growth Model

Another happy client Bulletproof

Always has your best interest at heart

XEN is a true extension of our marketing team and we have a genuine partnership dedicated to the success of the marketing strategy.

They keep us at the forefront of digital marketing, even when we are time poor and limited in resources - finding creative and effective ways to keep us relevant in a very competitive and noisy landscape.

Craig and the team never hesitate to share insight, train and enable; and while some would be concerned with making themselves redundant, XEN believe in empowering us to be confident in the digital space to grow, learn and succeed.

I would recommend XEN to any organisation looking for a true digital marketing partner, who always has your best interest at heart.

Lee-Sia Kay

Head of Marketing, ASX Listed Technology Company

Sales and Marketing Strategies For You

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