Welcome to HubShots, the podcast for marketing managers who use HubSpot hosted by Ian Jacob from Search & Be Found and Craig Bailey from XEN Systems.
Episode available here: https://soundcloud.com/hubshots/081-plain-text-emails-landing-page-optimisation-hubspot-messages-optimising-no-pong
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Recorded: Wednesday 19 April 2017 | Published: Friday 21 April 2017
Landing page optimisation guide from Talia:
Step #3: State of Awareness Analysis
The number one rule of a high converting landing page is that it answers your customer’s questions, addresses their concerns and tells their story.
The Anatomy of a High Converting Landing Page
A successful, converting landing page addresses your one single visitor and delivers one promise for them. To do this you will need to:
Snarky comment from Craig: I don’t like how the article has an annoying exit intent popup!
Plain Text Email Template - new template available in all portals:
And yes, you can A/B test with them. You can test having a plain text version versus a version using a template.
We discussed plain text emails back in episode 34 - we referred to it as ‘unbranded email’: https://hubshots.com/episode-34/
Analysing recency of contacts and how it contributes to sales conversions - Ecommerce tip
We found with a customer that 90% of sales were coming from contacts who had signed up within the last 6 weeks. The rest of the database is very cold, highlighting both problems and opportunities.
In HubSpot you can create a list based on the create date and compare it to last order date eg:
And then create a second list for before the period and compare the list sizes.
Messages (Beta)
Sneak peak looks like there is an upcoming Sales Rep Dashboard!
Stop Looking At Your Feet - from Living Forward: https://livingforwardbook.com
A key progress inflection point for beginner surfers is when they learn to stop looking at their feet and instead look at where they want to surf to.
As a marketer sometimes we get so caught up in our day-to-day activities that we lose sight of where we are heading.
10 ideas for increasing sales of NoPong:
Special thanks to Moby for helping with this!
InboundShots episode 1 - coming soon
We catch up with Moby from Inbound Buzz - https://www.redpandas.com.au/inbound-marketing-podcast/ - for a chat about:
It’s our crossover episode!
Listen out for it in the next two weeks.
We may do it regularly if people like it.
Good overview of the multi-step funnel - using content to warm up a contact before making an offer.
By Seth Godin
You can be good at Twitter in about five minutes a day. Spending ten minutes doesn't make you twice as good... in fact, there's probably little measurable improvement. To be great at Twitter might take five hours of daily effort.
All the time in between five minutes and five hours is wasted. You're in a chasm with no measurable benefits.
We see the same thing happen with your Yellow Pages ads or your customer service. Showing up takes some effort and it often pays off. Showing up a bunch more is often worthless. If you want to truly be great, you're going to have to do things most people couldn't imagine. That's what makes it great, after all. The scarcity of it.
This is the underpinning of the Dip. Don't get caught doing more than you need to but less than you want to.
Other stuff we’ve been reading and recommend, but had to cut from the show:
Tool to investigate:
Some of Craig’s reading:
Please rate and leave us some feedback as this helps us.