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Benefits of a HubSpot Consultancy


Outsource your HubSpot management and save Foundation Outsource your HubSpot management and save Foundation

Outsource your HubSpot management and save

By engaging a HubSpot consultancy to help with your HubSpot management you benefit in a number of ways:

  • Cost savings – even at our highest tier of pricing, the annual cost is less than hiring a single skilled person

  • Time savings – our project management process allows projects to be initiated quickly and efficiently

  • Multiple skillsets – having a team in place provides expertise across a range of skills

  • Rapid response – sudden changes and unexpected campaigns can be actioned quickly, without having to request/wait for internal resources to be re-allocated

Integrating with HubSpot

Integrating with HubSpot

The frameworks and methods we use have been honed over years of experience, and give us great insight into best practices, gotchas to avoid, new features and key reporting metrics.

To replicate this in your business would not only be costly, but also very time consuming to set up and learn.

Every XEN engagement includes use of these frameworks to ensure the strategy is as informed as possible.

No contracts - No risk

No contracts - No risk

Although we ask for at least a 3 month engagement, we don’t hold you to this. If your circumstances change, you can cancel or pause a project at any time.

Benefits from a Team of Experts

Benefits from a Team of Experts

The XEN team skillset covers the full range of HubSpot activities.

Commencing with an in-depth understanding of needs and producing a complete strategy to provide them, we then build the right process to implement them.

From initial onboarding, through to in-depth portal reviews, campaign implementation, portal administration and web development we have your HubSpot needs covered.

Industry Connections

Industry Connections

At XEN, we like to think we have a high level of skill. Be we of course know that the more you know, the more you realise how much you don’t know. To that end we value community and access to other experts.

Part of being a high-end consultancy is the imperative to be across the latest industry news and trends. To many companies, this is a burden. To the XEN team this is a passion – it’s what we love doing. Training is another area we consider closely. For example, our founder, Craig, was one of the first people in Australia to be HubSpot Certified in every certification.

A Focus on Technical Expertise

A Focus on Technical Expertise

Many consultancies grow from a marketing background, with no understanding of the underlying technical components of successful projects.

At XEN we have a focus on the technical foundations. We’ve worked in IT for more than 20 years, and have worked at all levels of the web stack. We’ve set up hosting from scratch, we’ve coded web sites, we’ve designed and developed complete database solutions, we’ve styled and built templates, we’ve setup 301 mappings at the server, we’ve studied and implemented caching for optimum site performance, we’ve analysed and used all the web attributes and directives (things like canonical and hreflang that most agencies don’t understand), we integrated with numerous 3rd party tools including LMSs and document managements systems, and on it goes.

The benefit is that we can engage with all key stakeholders in an enterprise, from IT to Developers, to front end implementers to marketing and sales.

If you aren’t familiar with all of the above, that’s fine – we take care of it for you.

Lessons Learned

Lessons Learned

We’ve worked with a large range of clients across numerous verticals, company sizes and countries. Along the way we’ve made our share of mistakes, run up against plenty of brick walls and learnt lots of useful lessons.

Don’t make the same mistakes yourself. Learn from us. A key part of most engagements is a knowledge transfer process where we train you to undertake many of the strategic and ongoing activities. It’s the teach a person to fish approach.

Contact us for more information about HubSpot Consultancy