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3 min read

HubShots Episode 70: HubSpot Sales Templates and How NOT to do SEO

Welcome to Episode 70 of HubShots!

Another Late Night Special

Welcome to HubShots, the podcast for marketing managers who use HubSpot hosted by Ian Jacob from Search & Be Found and Craig Bailey from XEN Systems.

Join our WhatsApp group here:

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Recorded: Wednesday 01 February 2017 | Published: Thursday 02 February 2017

Shot 1: Inbound Thought of the Week

Matt Barby on SEO (or what not to do)

Good beginner overview (not for advanced marketers).

If SEO is new to you, then this is a good one to watch.

7 quick points:

  • The need for promoting content (Content - promotion = failure)
  • The importance of user experience
  • The value of testing (and not just believing things you read online)
  • The level of analysis eg comparing topics with links, comparing word count with shares, etc
  • 2.5 million blog posts published every day
  • Backlinks matter
  • Re-optimise content and CTAs to see improvement


Shot 2: HubSpot Marketing Feature of the Week

A quick reminder about the HubSpot URL Builder:

Available from Reports > Home, Reports > Sources and Reports > Events

Two reasons I like the HubSpot builder compared to the Google one:

  • Keep a history of the links you’ve created
  • Generates a short URL for you as well

Useful for creating tracking URLs, getting shortcut links, and having them saved.

Shot 3: HubSpot Sales Feature of the Week

HubSpot Template library

Creating email templates in HubSpot CRM

Ie Sales > Sales Tools  > Templates

hubspot template from library

Some good templates:

hubspot template library

And some that can just be teaching people to be insincere:

hubspot template example

Here’s more sales email examples:

Aim for genuineness

Be wary of just telling fibs/flattery to get a result.

Shot 4: Cafe Consulting

We had our first Cafe Consulting session last week - went really well.

Book in 30 minutes with us on 08 March in Sydney to discuss any HubSpot feature or topic. Book here:

Shot 5: Opinion of the Week

Practitioners versus Managers:

Good read discussing the value of managers who are competent in the work their team does.

Shot 6: Creative Top 10 of the Week

Craig’s challenge: come up with 10 ideas to promote awareness of a cloud computing services company.

  1. Infographics showing benefits of new vs old way of infrastructure support & maintenance
  2. Write in the sky your URL
  3. Promote and target on Facebook content/images that show benefits
  4. Promote content and target it to CIO’s & CTO’s on LinkedIn
  5. Educate & target groups on LinkedIn that talk about hosting, not cloud based
  6. Create case studies and share them with existing database
  7. Review who in your database would be a good candidate to move to cloud services
  8. Write in depth content about issues people have that don’t use cloud computing
  9. Present at CIO’s & CTO’s conferences about the cloud computing advances
  10. Network with CIO’s & CTO’s at events that they would attend like sailing days..
  11. Get a call center in India to call all CIO’s and CTO’s with an offer

It’s Lenny to the rescue -

Shot 7: Podcast of the Week

HubSpot To Go:

Good tips for improving email open rates.

Using names in emails - the benefits of not using marketing@ email addresses => avoid being lumped into Google’s Social or Promotions tabs.

Another shout-out to The Daily Hub with Samantha Alford:

She interviewed us today - it will live in the next week or so.

Shot 8: Resource of the Week

Analysis of hero images:

Good in-depth post covering the 7 types of hero images, when to each, how to choose colours, plus thing not to do (eg avoid sliders)

Shot 9: Quote of the Week

“Companies aren’t families. They’re battlefields in a civil war.”

― Charles Duhigg, The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business


Shot 10: Bogus Tip of the Week

Use QR codes in your marketing:

Shot 11: Bonus Links of the Week

Other stuff we’ve been reading and recommend, but had to cut from the show:

For the lols:

Potential new tool to use:;q=hubspot

Some of Craig’s reading:

Craig’ book recommendations

Disrupted by Dan Lyons - book review coming in the next few weeks

Please rate and leave us some feedback as this helps us.

Book in for Cafe Consulting here:

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