Are you ready to take control in 2017 and be brave?
I’m excited by a new year. It’s full of promise and opportunity. I wonder what I will learn, and what successes I will have.
As marketers we need to evolve and take advantage of the opportunities that new, fast-pace technology offers us. It’s time to:
• Take a leap of faith and back yourself
• Start thinking differently and learn new things
• Follow people who inspire you and make you question things
• Accept that you might fail, but move on if you do.
In HubSpot’s 12 Professional New Year's Resolutions You Should Actually Keep blog, Amanda lists 12 professional resolutions to help you get creative, productive, and generally more content at work.
Amanda talks about creating the personal boundaries to help you stay on top of your game and shows you exactly HOW you can do that. The top 12 resolutions are listed as:
1. Designate an electronics-free zone.
2. Write something every day.
3. Keep up with Google.
4. Improve your design skills.
5. Invest in video.
6. Take breaks.
7. Listen to one podcast per week.
8. Ask for help.
9. Develop a mobile strategy.
10. Use your annual leave time.
11. Read more.
12. Move to the next level of your career.
The article is packed with loads of useful resources. My focus this year will be on:
• Writing something every week. The plan is to spend 45-60 minutes each week, writing a piece related to marketing.
• Keeping up with Google. It can be a real challenge keeping with the algorithm changes Google makes. With SEO evolving to favour topics over keywords, the aim is to build a content library that Google loves.
• Listening to one podcast a week. My focus will be Social Media Marketing, HubSpot & HubShots and Google AdWords.
Start planning your most successful year yet and let me know what resolutions work well for you.